Aldactone for central serous retinopathy (spironolactone)

What is spironolactone?

Aldactone tablets
Aldactone tablets

Spironolactone is a type of diuretic often used to treat excess fluid accumulation in the body, which may occur in cirrhosis or congestive heart failure. It also has an effect on hormone balance and therefore is sometimes used in females for the treatment of acne. It has been shown to be helpful in the treatment of central serous retinopathy, a condition of fluid leakage in the eye, which is probably mediated by hormones.

What side effects might be encountered?

While you are taking this medicine, you may experience drowsiness or a washed-out feeling. Only rarely may this medicine cause rash, stomach upset, tender or enlargement of the breasts, temporary impotence, or menstrual disorders. These side effects disappear when the medicine is stopped. Severe reactions are rare. To be safe, this medicine is avoided in pregnant or breast-feeding women.  High blood potassium levels may occur.

What other medicines might interact with spironolactone?

Other drugs may interact with spironolactone. Care should be taken in patients with known kidney disease or when using this medicine with other drugs that increase serum potassium levels (some blood pressure pills, called ACE inhibitors and related medications). Patients should avoid foods rich in potassium such as bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, and low-sodium salt replacements. In some cases, the serum potassium may be monitored.  Be sure to inform your internist that you are on spironolactone for your eye condition.

By Scott E. Pautler, MD

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