COVID-19 and Facial Fillers

How can COVID-19 affect cosmetic fillers?

            COVID-19 infection or COVID-19 vaccines may cause cosmetic facial fillers to swell.  The swelling may occur hours to a few weeks after exposure.  Fortunately, this appears to be a rare adverse effect.  The true frequency is not known because it represents a fairly minor reaction among the spectrum of symptoms of COVID-19.    

What causes the swelling to occur?

            Not much is known about this uncommon reaction.  It is suspected to be due to an immune reaction to the spike protein on the virus surface.  It does not appear to be due to direct infection of the COVID-19 virus in the filler material itself.   

How long does the swelling last?

            The duration of swelling varies.  Usually, the swelling lasts only a few days, but it may wax and wane over several weeks.  Treatment may make the swelling go away more rapidly.  Fortunately, swelling of facial fillers does not appear to be a permanent problem.     

What treatment is available?

            Many different treatments have been used.  The effectiveness of treatment is difficult to assess because of the rarity of the problem.  Local treatment may include cold compresses.  Oral antihistamines have not been universally effective.  Anti-inflammatory medications such as prednisone may help; however, there is some concern about the potential interference in developing protective immunity.  Of interest, lisinopril (commonly used to treat high blood pressure) may be useful to resolve the swelling.  More knowledge will come with experience. 

By Scott E. Pautler, MD 

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