Stem Cell Therapy for Macular Degeneration

globe anatomy
anatomy of the eye (click on image to enlarge)

What is stem cell therapy?

            Although there is on-going research to refine the use of stem cells to treat conditions like macular degeneration with the hope of halting or recovering lost vision, there is currently no proven therapy available in the United States. Unfortunately, private clinics have started promoting potentially blinding “cell therapy” for numerous problems including macular degeneration. The concept is that cells will be harvested from a number of sites (usually fat) and then injected into the eye. The promise is that this treatment will help treat eye disease.

What is the danger of stem cell therapy given in this fashion?

            Stem cell therapy provided in these clinics has resulted in blindness/loss of the eye. Injections given into the eye have caused bleeding, scarring, and retinal detachment with loss of vision. The reason for the loss of vison may include the types of cells that are injected and the method of injection. There does not appear to be any uniformity of cell type that is used. In addition, the method of injection appears to be into the vitreous gel of the eye. This may create inflammation in the vitreous that results in scar tissue and traction on the retina. Inflammation and scar tissue formation in the vitreous may result in blindness from retinal detachment.

What is a patient to do?

            It is very frustrating to lose vision from macular degeneration. Currently, FDA-approved treatments help many patients, but fall short of a cure. It is understandable for a desperate patient to seek care where hope is offered. However, current “cell therapy clinics” are not the answer. Seek the advice of your trusted ophthalmologist and utilize low vision care with magnification. Await the results of FDA-sponsored clinical trials to find safe and effective treatments for macular degeneration. 

By Scott E. Pautler, MD

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