Eyelid Hygiene

What is lid hygiene and why is it important?

Lid hygiene is the routine cleansing and care of the eyelids. It is especially important for people with skin problems such as seborrhea, rosacea, and acne. It is also important to improve comfort and vision in eye problems such as blepharitis and chalazion. Lid hygiene helps to remove oily secretions that build up and interfere with the tear film and also lead to bacterial overgrowth. The key to treating these problems is to routinely clean the eyelids with saline solution warm soaks. For additional comfort, take one flaxseed oil capsule by mouth twice a day.

How do I prepare the saline solution for the warm soaks?

Add 1/4th teaspoon of table salt to two cups (16 ounces) of warm tap water and mix thoroughly. Take care not to make the water so hot that it burns the eyelid as the skin is very thin in this area. Use sterile cotton balls soaked in the saline solution and slightly wrung. Place the moistened cotton ball on the closed eyelids until it cools. Replace with fresh warm cotton balls as needed for a total duration of ten minutes.

For a quicker method use a warm wet wash cloth at the sink. These soaks will dissolve secretions, help soothe burning eyes, and decrease the redness of the lids. It is often necessary to do the eye soaks several times a day for the first week and daily thereafter. A simple alternative to using saline solution is to use warm tap water and a wash cloth to soak the eyelids with or without baby shampoo.

A superior method to apply moist heat effectively to the eyelids is with the use of the Bruder mask.

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Moist heat for eyelid hygiene


How do I clean the lashes?

Use a Q-tip moistened with warm salt water or diluted baby shampoo. Gently brush the lashes from the base to the lip of the lashes. The upper lashes can be easily cleaned with the eyelids closed. The lower lashes are more difficult and require extra care. Pull down the lower lid while cleaning these lashes to avoid touching the sensitive cornea (the clear window of the eye). The lashes should be cleansed twice a day for the first week and daily thereafter. Tea tree oil face wipes offer convenience and the added benefit of antibacterial qualities.

By Scott E. Pautler, MD

For a telemedicine consultation with Dr Pautler, please send email request to spautler@rvaf.com. We accept Medicare and most insurances in Florida. Please include contact information (including phone number) in the email. We are unable to provide consultation for those living outside the state of Florida with the exception of limited one-time consultations with residents of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, and Washington.

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